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Water Meters


Turbine Water Meters

The MeterVault® is a turbine water meter system designed to measure the volume of water usage for residential, municipal, commercial, and industrial applications. Turbine meters are commonly used for domestic and fire service applications where the flow is consistently moderate to high and are available in sizes from 2” through 12″ up to 8,800 GPM flow rate.

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  • Built to city and municipal specifications
  • Variety of piping configurations
  • Factory pre-assembled and tested
  • Precast concrete vault and access hatchway
  • OEM brands of turbine meter and other components

The turbine flow meter uses the velocity principle method for measuring water quantity. The basic construction includes a bladed turbine rotor which is axially suspended in the pipe. As the fluid flows through the pipe, it causes the rotor to spin on its axis at a speed which is proportional to the velocity of the fluid. The passage of each rotor is sensed by the meter using either; gears, photoelectric cells or a magnetic pickup installed on the outside of the flow tube or the meter body, adjacent to the perimeter of the rotor.

A strainer is recommended to be installed upstream of the turbine meter to prevent meter damage from debris or foreign material in a pipeline and to ensure accurate registration by improving the velocity profile of the flow stream. For fire service applications, a UL/FM strainer is required.

The turbine meter is a popular displacement flow measuring device, which can be used in a wide range of industries and has the ability to measure wide flow ranges with good accuracy at an economic price.

Size Flow Range
1-½"   2.5 to 200 gpm
2″        2.5 to 310 gpm
3″        4 to 550 gpm
4″        6 to 1250 gpm
6″       12 to 2500 gpm
8″       20 to.4500 gpm
10″    30 to 7000 gpm
12″   65 to 8800 gpm

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DMTCOH-1 Model

Domestic turbine assembly, City of Houston


Fire and domestic combination assembly

FMCCOH-1 Model

Fire and domestic combination assembly, City of Houston


Domestic turbine assembly


Fire service turbine assembly

FMTCOH-1 Model

Fire service turbine assembly, City of Houston


Domestic compound assembly


Domestic combination assembly

DMCCOH-1 Model

Domestic compound assembly, City of Houston

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