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Oil Interceptor


Oil Interceptor

Wastewater that contains significant amounts of oils or solids interferes with the proper drainage and treatment of effluent water and must be treated before being discharged into the sanitary sewer system. To comply with Pretreatment water quality standards of the EPA Clean Water Act and local plumbing codes, a sand-oil interceptor for waste-water pretreatment is recommended. The ParkUSA® OilTrooper® Model SOCMP is a sand-oil interceptor that consists of a multi-compartment basin and patented enhanced separation technology for sediment and oil separation. Typical applications include vehicle maintenance and washrack facilities, fueling depots, industrial areas, parking lots, and storm water runoff. Engineers specify the OilTrooper® sand-oil interceptor to ensure wastewater pretreatment meets project and code requirements. 

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  • Precast concrete, fiberglass or steel construction 
  • Oil-water separation with oil detection and separation
  • Certified performance 
  • Above or below grade installation 
  • Pedestrian or traffic rated 
  • Remote maintenance alarm
  • Interior liners available
  • Meets all building codes  
  • Low and easy maintenance  
  • OilStop Valve is protected by US Patent #9,963,358 

The function of the Sand-Oil CMP Separator is to intercept free oils/solids and retain them for periodic removal. The wastewater is treated by the separator in two stages. The initial stage of treatment occurs as the inflow strikes a corrugated diffusion plate. This process is known as the Buffalo-Morse Principle. Solids and oil are separated through velocity reduction and sinusoidal flow patterns. Heavy solids settle and 100% oil slugs rise immediately to the surface. The second stage of treatment occurs as the wastewater flows through the Coalescing Media Pack™ (CMP). Both the smaller oil droplets and fine solids are progressively separated. The Coalescing Media Pack™ consists of closely spaced corrugated plates manufactured with an oleophilic (oil attracting) material. The corrugated pattern induces a sinusoidal laminar flow of the oily water mixture. Under laminar flow conditions, buoyancy forces cause oil droplets to rise until they adhere themselves to the oleophilic plates. Small oil droplets tend to coalesce into sheets of oil on the underside surfaces of the corrugated plates. The sinusoidal flow path also promotes a high incidence of droplet collision as the fluid flow constantly changes direction from a downward path to a vertical path. The coalescing oil rises to the surface in large globules through weep holes or gutters in the coalescing plate pack. Heavy solids are separated with the coalescing media and settle to the bottom of the basin. Downstream, the wastewater encounters an an oil dam prevents collected oil from entering the outlet piping. An oil stopping valve is located at the exit piping of the interceptor to ensure oil-free wastewater discharge.​

Patented Products

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SOCMP-1 (1) Model (1)

Two compartment concrete separator

socmp-TG1 Model (1)

Two compartment concrete separator with grate inlet

CMP-1 Model (1)

Rectangular concrete separator

CMPR-1-NEW Model (1)

Cylindrical concrete separator


OilTrooper Flyer


OilTrooper Unibody Flyer


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