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Case Studies

Sara Coughling Elementary School


Los Angeles Unified School District
Stormwater retention system

Job Type:

Elementary Schools
Martinez-Kuch Architects

Project Information:
48,000 square foot expansion of existing school including addition to the library, food service area, lunch shelter, 22 new classrooms and a larger multi-purpose room. The School was faced with very limited room for stormwater retention. The EcoRain/America underground Detention system was specified to complete the project.

This underground storm water detention system was installed in May 2008 and was the first of many subsequent EcoRain, now EcoRain America Tank™ systems designed and installed in the Los Angeles Unified School District. The School District used this installation as a trail for assessment and found through bidding that the EcoRain America TanksTM were the most cost effective to install. EcoRain America TanksTM have a 95% void space, and each unit takes only minutes to assemble.

The EcoRain America TankTM underground storm water detention system used at this school has a 23,000 cubic feet (172,040 gallons) capacity.

The goal of the system is to collect stormwater runoff, keeping it out of the Los Angeles River system and exfiltrate the water into the aquifers. Residents of the Los Angeles area use water from the aquifers for daily needs.

EcoRain America TanksTM use up to 80% less aggregate fill than other pipe and pipe arch systems.

ParkUSA is a multistage representative for EcoRAin America.